Posts in Guest Blog
Guest Blog: Living Our Proud Traditions of Camping and Fishing in a Multi-generational Family

Enjoying the outdoors naturally makes you want to conserve these resources so we can all continue enjoying them. And you don’t need to be in northern or rural Arizona to experience that with more and more city parks now including urban fishing and urban lakes.  What good way to bring increased awareness of being outdoors and enjoying our natural resources.  And for Latinos especially, it is important to keep public lands in public hands since this is where so many rich family traditions were created.  

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Guest Blog: Generations-old Hunting Traditions in Colorado

My family has been hunting and fishing and enjoying the great outdoors of the Southwest for generations. They had a garden and ate elk and deer and fish – they were the “farm to table” organic growers before it was cool and trendy. Knowing my grandfather hunted in the same places I have and fished the same waters creates a powerful connection to the land.

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Q&A: HECHO Advisory Board Member Al Martinez

I grew up in a family that would camp, fish, hunt, and hike, and I thought they were the coolest things we did. We’d camp around San Antonio, Texas and my dad also took us camping in Colorado – we spent a lot of time skiing and fishing there. I remember my dad teaching us how to BBQ fish and how he’d buy watermelons and stick them in sacks in the cold lakes to keep them cool.

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Guest Blog: The Story of Juan Palma - How a Mexican Migrant Boy Became a BLM State Director (Part II)

Many Latino families are working so hard to fulfill those basic necessities, they may not have the time or headspace to consider the land or recreation or connecting with nature. However, in my opinion, spending time with family is also a basic necessity, and public lands are a great venue, as they are open to everyone and they provide a place for families to be together doing activities that are low-cost.

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Guest Blog: Community Gardens - A Modern Way to Pass Down Our Latino Heritage

You didn’t have to tell the kids to get outside and go hiking to get some exercise. That’s what we were always doing – we just didn’t call it that. You didn’t even have to hop in a car to go to a park or the woods. It was right out our back door. And with every action, we were getting acquainted with our natural resources and deepening our bonds with our planet and our heritage.

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Guest Blog: How One Adventure Turned Into A Love For The Outdoors

Some of my favorite memories with my daughter, Vida, have been watching her as she explores her surroundings and challenges her own physical limits. At four years old, she has become acutely aware of her environment, even showing concern for the smallest creatures and things. It was Vida, in fact, that brought our love of hiking to our family.

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Four Steps to Developing a Lifetime Habit of Hiking and Camping

Even so, I know for some, getting outdoors may seem daunting. There is a lot of equipment available and it seems like there are new products every day, designed to make your hiking and camping easier or more enjoyable. But in some ways, trying to make things easier has made them seem more out of reach.

We need more diversity in outdoor activities, including those jobs that cater to hikers, campers, hunters and anglers. HECHO has asked me to provide some tips to help others develop lifelong skills outdoors and I am happy to help!

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