Two Years of Protection: Celebrating Avi Kwa Ame National Monument’s Second Anniversary
HECHO Statement on Congress’s Attempt To Revoke the Antiquities Act
HECHO 2024 Year-End Recap
Video, Water, Oil & Gas, Monuments, HCLCDaniela Zavalaconservation, Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC), hclc, Public Lands, waters, advocacy, Great bend of the gila, Pecos River, oil and gas, public lands rule
Adriana García Maximiliano: Why Is Important To Protect the Great Bend of the Gila
Adriana Garcia Maximiliano: Por qué es importante proteger la Gran Curva de Gila
Understanding the Public Lands Rule
“Heritage and Stewardship: Hispanic Leadership in American Conservation” Webinar
Great Bend of the Gila, HCLC, Monuments, VideoDaniela ZavalaLatinos in Conservation, Hispanic Heritage Month, Latino Conservation Week, Hispanic Access Foundation, Hispanic Leaders, Great bend of the gila, chukualla, Grand Canyon
2024 HECHO Fall Advocacy Trip
HCLC, Monuments, Video, Water, Dolores River Canyon, Great Bend of the GilaDaniela ZavalaHispanic Leaders, hispanic leadership, hispanic conservation leadership council, conservation, Dolores River Canyon, Great, public lands rule, Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC), hclc
Guía para conocer las diferentes denominaciones de tierras públicas en Estados Unidos
During Hispanic Heritage Month, Let’s Celebrate Hispanic Leadership’s Achievements and Contributions in Conservation and Their United Efforts To Create a Better Future Together
Guest Blog, HCLC, URG, Water, Oil & Gas, Oak Flat, Monuments, Great Bend of the Gila, Grand Canyon, Dolores River Canyon, CO RiverDaniela ZavalaHispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC), Hispanic Leaders, hispanic leadership, HCLC, conservation, public lands, Hispanic Heritage Month
The Dolores River Canyon Is a Magnificent Place, Rich in History and Culture
Dolores River Canyon, Monuments, Video, WaterDaniela ZavalaDolores River Canyon, Dolores, permanent protections, national, Hispanic Leaders, water, Outdoor Recreation
There Are So Many Reasons to Permanently Protect the Dolores River Canyon
Dolores River Canyon, HCLC, Monuments, Video, WaterDaniela ZavalaDolores River Canyon, Colorado, water, Hispanic Leaders, Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC), permanent protections, NAtional monuments
We Must Protect the Dolores River Canyon and Ensure That It’s Accessible to Our Communities
Dolores River Canyon, HCLC, Monuments, Video, WaterDaniela ZavalaDolores River Canyon, Colorado, permanent protections, NAtional monuments, Public Lands, conservation, Hispanic Leaders, Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC)
Op-Ed: It’s Time To Protect the Great Bend of the Gila Permanently
Op-Ed: Uranium Mining’s Threat as We Pass One Year of the Grand Canyon National Monument
CO River, Grand Canyon, HCLC, HECHO in the News, Monuments, WaterDaniela Zavalaoped, Grand Canyon Protection Act, grand canyon national park, Grand Canyon, Uranium Mining
Univision AZ: Monumento Nacional Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni: Huellas Ancestrales del Gran Cañón
En Español, Grand Canyon, HECHO in the News, Monuments, Video, WaterDaniela Zavalagrand canyon national monument, grand canyon national park, Grand Canyon Protection Act, Grand Canyon, arizona, permanent protections, water, watershed
Al cumplirse el primer aniversario del Monumento Nacional Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni - Huellas Ancestrales del Gran Cañón, la minería de uranio sigue siendo una amenaza potencial.
HCLC, Monuments, URG, Video, Water, Guest Blog, En Español, Grand CanyonDaniela ZavalaGrand Canyon Protection Act, grand canyon national park, Grand Canyon, grand canyon national monument, arizona, Uranium Mining
Primer Aniversario del Monumento Nacional Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni Huellas ancestrales del Gran Cañón
En Español, Monuments, Video, Water, Grand CanyonDaniela ZavalaGrand Canyon Protection Act, grand canyon national park, grand canyon national monument, Grand Canyon, Water, Arizona
While We Celebrate the Baaj Nwaavjo I’Tah Kukveni—Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument’s First Anniversary, Uranium Mining Potentially Threatens This Irreplaceable Landscape
Grand Canyon, Guest Blog, HCLC, Monuments, Video, WaterDaniela Zavalagra, Grand Canyon Protection Act, grand canyon national monument, grand canyon national park, Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC), HCLC
The Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni—Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument's First Anniversary