Op-ed: State’s Public Lands Must Not Be a Casualty of Housing Solutions Monuments, HECHO in the NewsDaniela ZavalaMarch 24, 2025op-ed, nevada, Avi Kwa Ame, avi kwa ame national monument, Public Lands, conservationComment
Op-ed: Grand Canyon Monument Embodies How Antiquities Act Should Be Used HCLC, HECHO in the News, MonumentsDaniela ZavalaMarch 24, 2025New Baaj Nwaavjo I'tah Kukveni–Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument, grand canyon national monument, BNIK national monument, Arizona, public lands, ConservationComment
Op-ed: Wildfires Are a Serious Threat to Our Communities; Investing in Active Forest Management Is Critical. HECHO in the NewsDaniela ZavalaMarch 3, 2025oped, Forest Restoration, forest management, U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Fix Our Forests ActComment
Op-Ed: It’s Time To Protect the Great Bend of the Gila Permanently Great Bend of the Gila, Monuments, URG, HECHO in the News, HCLCDaniela ZavalaAugust 21, 2024Arizona, Great bend of the gila, permanent protections, Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC), hclcComment
Op-Ed: Uranium Mining’s Threat as We Pass One Year of the Grand Canyon National Monument CO River, Grand Canyon, HCLC, HECHO in the News, Monuments, WaterDaniela ZavalaAugust 12, 2024oped, Grand Canyon Protection Act, grand canyon national park, Grand Canyon, Uranium MiningComment
Univision AZ: Monumento Nacional Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni: Huellas Ancestrales del Gran Cañón En Español, Grand Canyon, HECHO in the News, Monuments, Video, WaterDaniela ZavalaAugust 9, 2024grand canyon national monument, grand canyon national park, Grand Canyon Protection Act, Grand Canyon, arizona, permanent protections, water, watershedComment
Op-Ed: National Monument Designation for Dolores Canyons Would Benefit Not Only Local Communities and Tourists but Also All Coloradans Dolores River Canyon, HCLC, HECHO in the News, Water, MonumentsDaniela ZavalaJuly 29, 2024oped, Hispanic Leaders, Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC), HCLC, Colorado, Dolores River CanyonComment
Univision Arizona sobrevuela la Gran Curva de Gila en vuelo de EcoFlight HECHO in the News, Great Bend of the Gila, Video, HCLC, En EspañolDaniela ZavalaApril 30, 2024hecho in the news, Great bend of the gila, arizona, NAtional monumentsComment
Op-Ed: BLM ‘s New Public Lands Rule Is a Win-Win for NM HECHO in the News, Oil & Gas, HCLCDaniela ZavalaApril 29, 2024hecho in the news, oped, editorials, public lands rule, New MexicoComment
HECHO in Boise NPR HECHO in the News, Video, WaterDaniela ZavalaFebruary 22, 2024media, Climate Change, Conservation in the West Poll 2024, hecho in the newsComment
HECHO en el noticiero matutino de Univision Arizona: Conservación, cambio climático y crisis de agua En Español, HECHO in the News, Water, Video, Monuments, CO RiverDaniela ZavalaFebruary 22, 2024conservation, water, Public Lands, Conservation in the West Poll 2024, arizonaComment
HECHO en Univision Arizona: Resultados de la 14ª encuesta anual de Conservación en el Oeste HECHO in the News, En Español, CO River, Grand Canyon, Monuments, Oil & Gas, Video, WaterDaniela ZavalaFebruary 21, 2024Conservation in the West Poll 2024, conservation, arizona, Public Lands, grand canyon national monument, Grand Canyon, Water, oil and gas, Copper miningComment
Entrevista con Radio Bilingue sobre la crisis del río Colorado Graphic done in Canva pro Read More En Español, HECHO in the NewsDaniela ZavalaFebruary 5, 2024Colorado River, arizona, colorado, utah, neveda, mexico, waterboards, water, watershedComment
Joint Statement: Legislation Undermines Indigenous Communities, Wildlife Protections, Fairness to Taxpayers HECHO in the News, Oil & GasDaniela ZavalaDecember 6, 2023statement, Joint Press Release, oil and gas reform, oil and gasComment
HECHO in Public News Services Photos provided Kit Carson Electric Cooperative. Read More HECHO in the NewsDaniela ZavalaOctober 31, 2023Renewable Energy, electric co-ops, New Mexico, Kit Carson Electric CooperativeComment
HECHO en el primer noticiero matutino de Univision Arizona HECHO in the News, Video, En EspañolDaniela ZavalaOctober 11, 2023Hecho in the NEws, Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC), Hispanic Heritage MonthComment
The HECHO Team in Denver7 ABC HECHO in the News, Video, WaterDaniela ZavalaOctober 6, 2023HECHO Staff, HECHO Advisory Board, Hecho in the NEws, Outdoors, conservation, ColoradoComment
Op-Ed: El importante rol de los latinos en la conservación y justicia ambiental HECHO in the NewsDaniela ZavalaOctober 2, 2023Hispanic Heritage Month, Hispanic Leaders, Op-Ed, Hecho in the NEwsComment
Op-Ed: What’s the Alternative to a Shooting Range? Caja del Rio, HCLC, HECHO in the NewsDaniela ZavalaOctober 2, 2023Op-Ed, Hecho in the NEws, New Mexico, caja del rio, Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC), hclcComment
HECHO's National Policy and Advocacy Manager, José Ignacio Gaona, in Noticias Univision 24/7 Video, En Español, HECHO in the NewsDaniela ZavalaOctober 2, 2023Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council (HCLC), Hispanic Heritage Month, HECHO 10 anniversary, conservation, Public LandsComment